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Notice of domain name change to Absorbking.com

Feb 24,2023 | Bond

Hello there, I'm Bond.

To Absorb King customers, distributors, suppliers, and many people concerned, our website domain name from abkdesiccant.com changed to absorbking.com.

You can also click abkdesiccant.com to view absorbking.com in recent months, but don't forget to remember our new domain name, which is our brand.

As a brand that has been in business since 2007, we have provided desiccant solutions to thousands of customers. Previously, absorbking.com was presented to our customers as our Chinese website, but we are doing a brand update this year and we are committed to making Absorb King a global brand, which cannot be done without all your support, thank you.

You can check our website domain whois info, which is created in 2007, as shown below.

absorbking whois info from 2007

We owned Absorb king this brand as shown below, this is our official website.

absorb king are us brand

Thank you for your time and if you have any questions, please feel free to contact us via email or online customer service, see you next time.

